The Steering Group
The Moor Barton Wilding land and project are actively managed by a cross disciplinary steering group, including founder Robin Bowman. The steering group is at the hub of all that happens at Moor Barton. These committed individuals from different parts of the country bring skills, expertise and passion from their different professions and life experiences. The group holds and drives the vision of Moor Barton Wilding, making the decisions (and doing the work!) around everything from funding applications to species reintroductions to maintaining the machinery needed to rewild 120 acres!
The Moor Barton Wilding Community
The Steering Group is supported by the wider Moor Barton Wilding community. Our Community Rewilding Fridays and Seasonal Community Weekends are well attended and volunteers, while enjoying time in nature in good company, help to tend the land. Ecological surveys are undertaken, the self seeded larch trees that threaten to shade out the young broadleaf trees are taken out, trails are strimmed to maintain transitional edge environments, bracken is bashed to steady its efforts to take over, glades are opened to let in the light, seeds spread to bring more diversity and fruit and nut trees planted and tended to feed us and other creatures. The list goes on and on!
While folk work and sometimes camp together, stories and skills and ideas are shared and community it built.
The different people who come and spend time at Moor Barton bring a myriad of skills, ideas and life experiences all of which add to the richness and diversity of the community. We would love you to join us! If you’d like to come along to a Community Rewilding Friday or Seasonal Community Rewilding Weekend or would just like to find out more, please send us an email and we we'll send you all of the information you need.
Click here for the calendar of forthcoming Community Rewilding Days and Weekends.